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Declutter Your Kitchen

Posted on July 14 2022

Declutter Your Kitchen


When was the last time cooking felt like a joy? If you can't remember, it might have everything to do with the state of your kitchen. There's no way to enjoy the experience if half your time is lost in vain. Give yourself an hour or two to reset for a better cooking experience.

1.Take Inventory

    Do you know how many duplicates you have? Do all of your appliances work? Now's the time to go through your cupboards and determine what works and what doesn't. In most cases, you don't need multiples and they're wasting valuable space. Toss anything that's broken, barely used or long forgotten--you'll be pleasantly surprised how much space you make.

    2. Specialty Items

      Do you have multiple sets of dishes for every possible occasion? If space is a problem, consider gifting all but one or two sets. People don't throw dinner parties as often as they used to, and events tend to be more and more casual. If that weren't enough, space is at a premium, so be mindful of what no longer serves you.
      The same rule applies to holiday cookware. Although you might need certain things like a roasting tray for the turkey or cookie cutters for the holidays, see whether you can't pare down your collection. Focus on giving your space and energy to things you need the most for an efficient, effective kitchen.

      3. Clean Inside & Out

        Decluttering and reorganizing wouldn't be complete without a quick clean. There's no need to go overboard but check corners and surfaces for good measure. While you're at it, clean off any appliances, cookware or dishes that need a little extra care. If something's not worth the time to clean it properly, you can likely do without it. Continue to purge as you go; the end goal is a streamlined experience.

        4. Create Priority Zones

          Being in your kitchen is a lot like driving a car: keep everything important within reach! The items you use the most, like wooden spoons, rubber spatulas or tongs, should be easy to access from the stove. What you use less often can be tucked away somewhere else. The idea here is to make cooking the star of the show and everything else its accessory. 
          Lower kitchen cupboards or other storage areas should use the same principle in a different way. While giant pans are worth keeping, they may not be everyday items. Store specialty items or bulky pots and pans at the back to make room for daily cookware. Everything important should radiate out from your stove in honor of these priority zones. 

          5. Add Accessories

            One of the reasons kitchens get disorganized in the first place is because of poor organization. In particular, being vague about where things go or how they're stored means there's no uniformity. Now's the time to change that. Add in shelving for lids and pans, wire racks or other space separators for increased clarity and definition. The better organized you are, the more smoothly your kitchen will operate. 

            6. Restock

              Put everything back in its place and make any adjustments as needed. Establishing priority zones is one of the most important parts of smart kitchen organization, but the rest is up to you. Feel free to experiment with different shelf heights, swap cupboards or entirely new sections. The key is making your kitchen work for you in every way imaginable. With that in mind, make any last-minute adjustments and congratulate yourself on a job well done. 


              Final Thoughts

              Decluttering your kitchen may seem like a hassle but it's well worth the time and effort. Weeding out extras and having all your ducks in a row makes for a calmer, more leisurely experience. It's all systems go! Take care and happy cooking.

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