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Quick & Easy Cranberry Orange Relish Sauce - Hot or Cold - Make Ahead

Posted on November 21 2017


Easy & Quick Cranberry Orange Relish Sauce

This Thanksgiving (or anytime you want a refreshing side) go ahead and make this amazing & sweet Cranberry Orange Relish Sauce. It will surely have your family wanting more!



  • 1 Bag Fresh Cranberries
  • 1/2 Cup Sugar or sugar substitute
  • 3 Small Oranges
  • 1/4 Apple
  • 1/4 Lemon



  1. Use a chopper to chop all the cranberries
  2. Peel 1 1/2 oranges and save the rest for juice
  3. Chop oranges, apple pieces and lemon, set aside
  4. Heat cranberries on low heat for about 5 minutes or until mushy
  5. Add in chopped fruit and squeeze remaining orange juice
  6. Add in sugar and stir all together. Ready to serve or make ahead of time to either heat up or serve cold!

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