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How to Achieve Your New Year's Resolution

Posted on December 31 2020

How to Achieve Your New Year's Resolution


Want to accomplish a New Year's resolution? Complete this feat by approaching your objective with a strategy. Mapping out a path toward any desire helps. You increase your chances of success and see with clarity when you're off track. 
Below is a how-to on achieving a New Year's resolution. Use these tips. Then, conquer the journey to change. 

Pick one New Year's Resolution.

Yes, choose only one New Year's resolution. What keeps you up at night? How to save money? Interested how to cook sous vide? Want to lose weight? Aspiring for more family time? Desire to go on more adventures? Focus on resolving one area. Tackling too many goals at once is a losing battle. You will feel overwhelmed and quit. 

Write down your New Year's Resolution. 

Go old school. On a piece of paper, write one sentence that sums up your New Year's resolution. Include a time limit. Here's an example - 'over the next 90 days, I want to lose fifteen pounds'. Keep the wording short and sweet. Then, tape your piece of paper on the refrigerator door or bathroom mirror. These are two places you pass by every day. 

Script ways to achieve your New Year's Resolution. 

Put on your thinking cap. Brainstorm ways to attain your New Year's resolution. Again, write your thoughts down on paper. After completing a rough draft, select one path. Break it down into six steps. Pin the final draft next to where you placed your New Year's resolution. 

Start your New Year's Resolution right away. 

Begin the same day you select your New Year's resolution. Start on step one and celebrate any win. This process builds momentum. You see immediate progress and exude gratitude for progress. 

Treat mess-ups as learning opportunities. 

Did you cheat on your diet? Maybe you overspent and bought an expensive pair of shoes. Don't use these mishaps as a reason to give up on your New Year's resolution. You're not weak. You're human. Learn from your failings. Determine what led to them, tweak your actions and keep going. 

Adjust your process until you win. 

The path to victory is never straight. So, adjust your New Year's resolution strategy along the way. For example, a health crisis might throw off your budget or exercise schedule. Don't use this event as an excuse to give up. Instead, script out a new strategy and move forward after you feel better.  
In summary, the above is a how-to on achieving a New Year's resolution. These tips are easy and free. Use them and make a big change in your life this year.

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