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It's a Leap Year: Carpe Diem

Posted on February 18 2020

It's A Leap Year: Carpe Diem
(Almost) every four years, February gets an extra day. The easiest explanation for why we have leap days is that it takes 365.2422 days for our planet to complete one revolution around the sun. Four year's worth of extra rotation adds up to about one extra full rotation, and thus one extra day.

[Fun Fact: Every 100 years, we don’t have a Leap Year. Except we do have a leap year if the century is divisible by 400. We had a leap year in 2000 but in 2100, we won't.]


We've been given not only one extra hour, but an entire day! How will you carpe diem (seize the day)? Here is an assortment of ideas to maximize your extra 24 hours.  


    1. Gardening. Start planning out your garden. If you can, dig in well-rotted organic matter from your compost pile or fertilizer into your soil to help get your plants off to a good start. Get ready to plant your potatoes and onions soon.


    2. Cook something new or try a new technique. Think Spring and try this delicious sous vide Spring risotto.


    3. Meal prep for the week ahead. Take the stress out of what you will eat for the week by planning out your daily meals and having all the ingredients and recipes at your fingertips.


    4. Create a bug out bag. The time to create a disaster kit is now, before Mother Nature hits. Your survival kit should contain everything you need to survive for at least three days. Having this ready to grab and go gives you comfort when news of a coming disaster hits the headlines.


    5. Start a new hobby. Often people tend to confuse their interests with their abilities and trying new things could really surprise you. Something you never thought you could ever be good at might be something that comes very naturally to you. You won't know until you try.
    FoodVacBags Vacuum Seal Bags and Rolls - Sous Vide


    6. Go for a walk, run or hike. Instead of postponing your appointment at the gym or saying you will go for a walk tomorrow you should just do it. Now is the time. You will feel refreshed and ready to conquer the rest of your extra day.


    7. Make a vision board or write down your goals. What do you want to accomplish personally and professionally? Write down a list of achievable action steps with timelines you can take over the next couple of weeks to make these goals a reality. The more you focus on these goals, and review them, the more likely they'll come true.


    8. Watch a movie that received rave reviews or awards. Learn what all the hype is about. Head to the theatre or watch it from the comfort of your own couch (if you can).


    9. Write a handwritten letter or a thank you note. When was the last time you physically wrote a letter or note on paper? Contact a childhood friend, a military family member overseas, an older family member in a nursing home, a neighbor or maybe a member of your family in your own home. Let them know how special they are and that you're thinking of them.


    10. Read a good book or a magazine. Pick up the book you have been meaning to get back to or start. Check out a magazine with new recipes, helpful tips or new ideas and perspectives.


    11. Start your Spring cleaning early. Toss things that you never use or have been hidden in the closet for years. If it doesn't work, get rid of it. Donate all useable unwanted items. Organize and label your pantry, drawers, closets and basement.


    12. Go fishing or hunting. Fishing and hunting require patience, but they can also be a great way to get outside and clear your head. They're also a great way to take care of dinner.


    13. Investigate your genealogy. There's something absolutely fascinating about tracing your past, learning where you came from, and even stumbling upon photos and stories of ancestors you never met.


    14. Visit historical monuments in your city. Explore some tourist attractions and historical markers in your city that you have never visited before. You'll not only appreciate your city more, but you'll also learn a great deal about where you live.


    15. Do at least one activity or chore you have been telling yourself to do for days or months. You've been given an extra day in the is the time...just do it. 


      Carpe Diem! Don't let your extra day just pass you by. Utilize your extra 24 hours to the fullest. Have fun, feel accomplished, enjoy the day. 

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