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The Secret Factor In Deciding What To Feed Your Pet

Posted on February 24 2020

The Secret Factor In Deciding What To Feed Your Pet

We know you love your pet and would do anything to make his or her life as long and fulfilling as possible. From walks, to play time, to providing lots of snuggles and scratches, seeing your pup’s wagging tail or hearing your kitty’s purr makes all the obligations of being a pet parent worth it. 


But did you know that one of the best ways to show love for your pal is to learn a bit about animal nutrition? It may not be as fun as a surprise toy or treat, but it’s one of the most important things pet guardians can do. That’s because our four-legged friends can’t make dietary decisions for themselves, and they depend on us to be their advocates and take their care to heart. Plus, to keep pets happy, it’s crucial to keep them healthy, too!


Some Important Things To Know 

When it comes to filling your dog or cat’s food bowl, there are lots of things to consider. You have to decide whether kibble, home cooked, or raw meals are best for your companion (and your lifestyle) and learn which wholesale "human foods" make the most nutritious treats. You should also research the risks of feeding animals too many calories, fats, and carbs, and how certain food sensitivities can lead to uncomfortable symptoms. Once you decide which foods you want to feed your pet, consider vacuum sealing your choices to keep them fresh even longer.


But it’s equally crucial to know what not to do and avoid common feeding mistakes that even the most loving pet parents make. From not knowing how to decode nutrition labels to overlooking the importance of a balanced diet, sometimes, it’s all about what you don’t put in your furry friend’s dish! 


Nutrition: The Basis Of Health

Our pets depend on us to care for them, since they can't make these decisions for themselves. From preparing their meals to making sure their emotional and physical needs are met, it's our job to keep them as happy and healthy as possible.


You don’t have to be an expert to be a wonderful pet parent. However, you do have to have a little background knowledge about how to care for your companion -- and that includes getting expert guidance from veterinarians and nutritionists you trust.


But while their help is crucial, at the end of the day, the decisions you make for your four-legged friend are ultimately up to you. So, listen to the advice of trusted professionals, do some research, and use your best judgment. After all, no one knows your pet quite as well as you!


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