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Corporate Account Application old

Thank you for your interest in establishing a commercial account with

We may be able to offer lower pricing for consistent bulk purchases. We can also offer additional payment options for corporate clients. In order to protect our valued customers, and our brand, we have created the following guidelines for consideration as a commercial customer.

  • You must use our products for your business or for resale.
  • Must have a federal tax ID#.
  • Minimum order of 6 cases or $500 each 3 month period.


Corporate Application:

Business Name

Contact Name


*Business Website


Business address (include country)

Shipping address (if different from above)

*Tax ID #

*How many years have you been in business? ____________

What Product are you interested in purchasing?

Brand: _____________ Size: _______________

What quantity? ________________

Frequency of this need? ____________________

Please choose preferred payment method:

Credit Card ( )          PayPal Invoice ( )         Standard Invoice, net 21 ( )    


Please tell us how you found us:

Existing customer looking to upgrade to corporate customer ( )

eBay ( )                  Amazon ( )           Google Search ( )  Other Search Engine ( )

If you found us through a search, please list search term entered *________________

Referral ( ) from who? (we want to thank them) _______________________________

 Please tell us a little about your business and your packaging needs:



 If you have any questions for us, feel free to call us at 800-538-1442.