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Foods That Should Not Be Vacuum Sealed

Posted on July 19 2019

Foods That Should Not Be Vacuum Sealed


Have you ever wondered if there are foods you should not be vacuum sealing? There are many foods you can vacuum seal for extended freshness; unfortunately there are a handful that you should not preserve using this method. Some foods contain anaerobic bacteria, which can grow without the presence of air. Within a vacuum sealed pouch, with reduced oxygen, these bacteria will grow and may pose a risk to your health.

 Do not vacuum seal:

      • raw mushrooms
      • garlic
      • soft cheeses (blue cheese, brie, camembert, ricotta and other soft and unpasteurized cheeses)
      • freshly cooked or steamed vegetables (safe to vacuum seal after they are at room temperature)


          In addition, many common vegetables emit a gas when stored. If these vegetables - in the Cruciferae or Brassicaceae family - are kept in a vacuum sealed bag, this gas will cause them to spoil. To store these vegetables properly they should be blanched, dried, then vacuum sealed and frozen for storage.

           Blanch first:

              • arugula
              • bok choy
              • broccoli
              • brussels sprouts
              • cabbage
              • cauliflower
              • kale
              • radishes
              • turnips


              We hope this little guide has assisted you in identifying the few items that should not be vacuum sealed. You can use your vacuum sealer to safely store breads, meats, vegetables, potatoes and more. Most foods can be vacuum sealed to extend their overall life whilst saving you some money and time! 


              Food Storage Chart

              FoodVacBags Vacuum Sealer Rolls and Bags

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              • Caro: January 14, 2021

                Hi, can you vacuum seal home made sauce with cooked chili, onions, garlic, tomatoes and seeds? If so, about how long will the shelf life be? Thanks!

              • FoodVacBags: January 11, 2021

                Hi Dawn – You can certainly vacuum seal your turkey breast. The expiration dates would still apply if you store it in the refrigerator. If you store some in the freezer, the expiration dates can be extended.

              • Dawn: January 11, 2021

                If I buy a cooked Turkey breast to slice at home then want to vacuum seal it in several packages, does it have to go in the freezer or can it be left in the fridge. Also does the expiration date on it still apply or is it different since I opened the original packaging?

              • FoodVacBags: January 07, 2021

                Hi Nancy – I would suggest when you’re ready to use some of your lemons, cut the seal off of the bag at the very top. Grab what you need. Once you have what you need, feel free to reseal the rest back up. If you take just the seal off of the bag, you can continue to use the same bag and not have to repackage the rest of your slices.

              • FoodVacBags: January 07, 2021

                Hi Debra – Yes! You can certainly vacuum seal cold cuts and swiss cheese.

              • FoodVacBags: January 07, 2021

                Hi Debra – You could certainly freeze your thai noodles with pork and veggies, but the texture may be a little off when you go to reheat.

              • Nancy: January 07, 2021

                I vacuumed sealed a lot of my cut lemons. What do I do when I want to remove a cut lemon from my sealed bag?

              • Debra Christon: January 07, 2021

                Can i.vacum seal cold cuts and swiss cheese and American cheese.

              • Debra Christon: January 07, 2021

                I purchased thai noodles cooked with pork and veggies,can i.freeze that

              • FoodVacBags: December 29, 2020

                Hi Steve – Some foods, like ricotta, contain anaerobic bacteria, which can grow without the presence of air, meaning even within a vacuum-sealed pouch these bacteria will continue to grow and may pose a risk to your health.

              • FoodVacBags: December 29, 2020

                Hi Nancy – We are so happy you love vacuum sealing! Please feel free to share your tips or tricks. We would love to hear them!

              • FoodVacBags: December 29, 2020

                Hi Pearl – Fresh Pasta can be vacuum sealed. If you’re making it, you can store it in the fridge for about a day. If you freeze it, it will last about a month.

              • Nancy All: December 29, 2020

                I have used a food saver since my kids were small. At 71 I am still learning new stuff. I just love it. If I want corn on the cob for Christmas I buy at peek season and vacuum seal.

              • Pearl: December 29, 2020

                Hi can i vacuum fresh pasta and how long will it stay if it’s vacuum sealed? Should i put it in the freezer or just in the fridge? Thank you

              • Steve: December 29, 2020

                Do these recommendations pertain to foods that are being vacuum sealed and then immediately refrigerated and intended to be consumed within expiration date ? For example, ricotta that is vac sealed and the put in the fridge immediately.

              • FoodVacBags: December 17, 2020

                Hi Gail – We do not recommend vacuum sealing any form of fresh onion. Doing so could lead to the growth of the bacteria botulism, which can be lethal.

              • Gail: December 17, 2020

                can you vac seal whole onions that have not been chopped up but just had the outer skin removed?

              • FoodVacBags: November 05, 2020

                Hi Kerrie! Thanks for the question! Yes! We use FoodVacBags to seal our batch cooked foods and store them in the freezer until we are ready to use them.

              • Kerrie : November 05, 2020

                Hello, I am looking into getting a vacuum sealer for batch cooking. Dishes such as soups, chilli, bolognese, pulled pork etc. Would this be suitable?

              • FoodVacBags: November 02, 2020

                Hi Hope! We do not recommend vacuum sealing freshly chopped onions. Vacuum sealing fresh onions can lead to the growth of botulism. If you cook the onions, you can certainly vacuum seal them once they are cool. Botulism only affects fresh onions.

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