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Can You Vacuum Seal Liquids?

Posted on August 09 2017

can you vacuum seal liquids

Here at FoodVacBags, we get many customers wondering if they can vacuum seal soups and other liquids with their vacuum sealer machine. Soups are incredibly easy to make and are a great item to make in large batches and save for later.

You absolutely can vacuum seal liquids, but the process depends on your equipment.

In bags with an edge-style vacuum sealer machine

vacuum sealer machineEasily the most common equipment that fans of food preservation have on hand are the edge-style vacuum seal machine and vacuum sealer bags. These machines have a lid that closes on the open end, or “edge,” of the bag, then vacuums the air out. Unfortunately, if you were to put liquid in a bag to seal it, the machine would suck in the liquid, destroying the motor.

Obviously, that won’t work.

We recommend this trick: pour your liquid into a vacuum sealer bag, stand it upright in the freezer in the open bag until frozen, then pull it out and complete the vacuum seal. As the liquid is now a solid block, it won't be sucked into the machine. It also won't get freezer burn in the sturdy 4 mil bag after oxygen has been removed.

In pouches with a chamber style vacuum sealer machine

chamber sealer machineBy far the quickest way to seal liquids is to use a chamber vacuum seal machine. These commercial-grade machines have a chamber in which the entire bag is placed. Instead of sucking the air out, as an edge-style machine does, chamber vacuum sealers manipulate the air pressure within the chamber to evacuate the air. The liquid in a chamber vacuum sealer bag stays put when sealed, instead of being drawn into the machine. This isn't an option for most, as the machine itself is expensive, but if you have a small business and seal liquids often, the investment in the machine is made up in the time saved and much less expensive pouches.

In a vacuum canister

An oft-forgotten way of saving liquids is by sealing them in plastic vacuum seal canisters or plastic food containers. This is a good option for short-term storage in your refrigerator. You can choose from canisters that seal manually with a dial or knob or canisters that hook up to your edge-style sealer with a separate hose. Neither type of canister should be frozen, so try to use your soup within a week or two.

Are you a big fan of soups? How do you store them? Do you have any favorite recipes? Share with us in the comments below!


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