Posted on September 30 2018
Typically, game animals are divided into several different types of hunting and fishing categories for regulatory purposes.
The different hunting categories, along with example species, are as follows:
- Big game: white-tailed deer, mule deer, moose, elk, caribou, bear, bighorn sheep, pronghorn, boar, javelina, bison
- Small game: rabbit, hare, squirrel, opossum, raccoon, porcupine, skunk, ring-tailed cat, armadillo, ruffed grouse
- Furbearers: beaver, red fox, mink, pine marten, musk rat, otter, bobcat
- Predators: cougar (mountain lion and panther), wolf, coyote Upland game bird: grouse, woodcock, chukar, pheasant, quail, dove
- Waterfowl: duck, teal, merganser, geese, swan
Hunting big game typically requires a "tag" for each animal harvested. Tags must be purchased in addition to the hunting license, and the number of tags issued to an individual is typically limited.
In cases where there are more prospective hunters than the quota for that species, tags are usually assigned by lottery. Tags may be further restricted to a specific area, or wildlife management unit.
Different Types of Hunting & Fishing Weaponry
- Bow, Crossbow and Archery
- Guns & Muzzleloaders
- Traps
- Fishing Poles, Lines, Nets
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